get & give

Learning from Berlin #2
May 30, 2016
Lower East Lab arrange and host intense inspiration tours in our city Berlin, named Urban Safari Berlin. We focus mainly on new business, the startup scene, creative spaces – and on food, architecture and design.
Berlin is for us a wonderful spot to explore, think of new ideas, rethink the old ones, wonder about how funny & ’edgy’ some projects can be. We have experienced, that just a couple of days in this city, can be a good solid boost of energy and a very welcome creative break from the daily routines for our guests.
When travelling the city, we carefully have in mind to not only ’take’ from the city and its people, but also ’give’ something back. We don’t want to behave as stupid tourists, only using and receiving, we have a deep wish to leave the places and people we visit and talk with, enriched, inspired and with a feeling of ’Oh! How good that we invited these guys to our place’.
At our safari last week, we among many other places visited Kühlhaus Berlin, an impressive place in Kreuzberg where arts exhibitions, fashion fairs, concerts and hundreds of other funky things happens. After a very inspiring guided tour on all 6 floors, we held a creative brainstorm with our participants (students from KaosPilots Switzerland and friends), and presented a lively selected list of “what we would love to see happen in the house“. Our ideas and input was very welcomed by Kühlhaus Berlin.
Our next safaris will be in September and October, excact dates not fixed yet. If interested, please reach out for more info.
Want to check out Kühlhaus Berlin?