it’s a book

DG15 – book design for Glasmuseet Ebeltoft
April 22, 2015
Lower East designed the book for the exhibition “DG15 – 40 Years of Contemporary Glass in Denmark”. The museum wanted the book to mirror the exhibition idea – to both tell the story about Danish glass during the last 40 years and to show the direction of Danish glass today through a varied combination of text, historical photos and artworks from all the artists represented in the exhibition combined in new ways. The result is a beautiful, modern book, with soft cover and printet on a delikate matte paper.
A little more info on the exhibition from the museum website: “The exhibition is composed of two parallel shows – a curated show illustrating the historical development of Danish glass and a censored show, which will take stock of the Danish glass scene anno 2015. This exhibition is a follow-up to the two previous exhibitions presented in 1994 and 2004, showing the status of Danish glass at that point of time.” More information on
Below you can see examples of spreads from the book. You can buy the book in the museum shop or come by the Lower East Lab and see and feel the book.