European Ceramic Context 2014 Bornholm
September 17, 2014
The European Ceramic Context 2014 on Bornholm is up and running. It will continue until 23.11.2014. Lower East just came back from the opening of the two big exhibitions and a wonderful opening party. The catalogue we designed for the event had arrived to the island and looked just as we wanted it to – so the designers were happy. The exhibitions was full of inspiring ceramics – we noticed a lot of animals in the exhibitions – several dogs, pigs, cross overs between animals and humans…. It was very interesting to see ceramics from 29 European countries put together in one place. Lower East also participated in the conference Materiality – the values of matter and making. The conference focused on materiality, thinking through materials, craftsmanship and why making is important to being human. Very inspiring speakers – even for us non-ceramists. This week Alexandra Engelfriet leads a master class Materiality – Body as a tool – Ceramic heritage as Matter. A lot of cool stuff is going on on Bornholm. We strongly recommend everyone who loves ceramics to go to Bornholm and see the wonderful exhibitions in Bornholm Art Museum and Grønbechs Gaard. Thank you for a great weekend. Read much more about European Ceramic Context on the website