Lower East

it’s the blog

This is the blog for lower east & lower east lab. A mix of stuff from our design & communication world (things we do, things we have done, and things we experience and get inspired from) and news from our lab – where all kind of actions and experiments can happen – that be workshops, creative meetings, urban safaris (with focus on start up, architecture, design or food), and exhibitions, events, dinners and a lot more.

The Syndicate

December 16, 2012

The Syndicate is a little wine company based in Copenhagen, Denmark. As one of the Lower East‘ers is one of the founders behind The Syndicate, It was of course natural that Lower East (who else should have done that?) designed the visual identity for the project. Quick, cheap, functional & simple. Orange, black and white – sometimes with a splash of grey. Voila. And back to work – and the wine.

The Syndicate sells every month a new box of wine, every time under a new theme and with a new selection of good and interesting wines. Once a month The Syndicate are hosting a cosy launch / wine tasting / mini-wine-bar / wine shop somewhere in Copenhagen.

Follow the project (sorry, mostly in Danish) at the website or on facebook.

The Syndicate logo (& business card)  ©lowereast.dk

The Syndicate logo (& business card) ©lowereast.dk

The Syndicate Poster  ©lowereast.dk

The Syndicate Poster ©lowereast.dk

The Syndicate Postcard  ©lowereast.dk

The Syndicate Postcard ©lowereast.dk

The Syndicate Poster  ©lowereast.dk

The Syndicate Poster ©lowereast.dk

The Syndicate Postcard  ©lowereast.dk

The Syndicate Postcard ©lowereast.dk

The bottles with tie  ©lowereast.dk

Some wine bottles with tie ©lowereast.dk

All dressed up... ©lowereast.dk

All dressed up… ©lowereast.dk