On the 21 April Lower East went to the opening of Brazilian artist Ernesto Neto’s “Rui ni, Voices of the Forest” at KUNSTEN Museum of Modern Art in Aalborg. We – and a lot of other guests – enjoyed the wonderful atmosphere in the exhibition, the colourful and lively installation. The big hall in the museum was covered in textiles, drawings, knitted spaces, a soft floor, pillows, instruments etc. in fantastic colours. We felt that the room invites the guests to relax and explore, to talk with each other – and lie down and embrace nature. An amazing experience.
Enesto Neto came to Aalborg together with a group of Huni Kuin people from the Amazon rainforest in Brazil, with whom he created the installation. The opening days was an interesting mix of speeches, ceremonies, dancing and singing.
The exhibition will be on view until the 23 October 2016.
From the museum website:
“Ernesto Neto (born 1964) is considered one of Brazil’s top-artists of today and his popular works are exhibited across the world. He is an artist of sensuality and does a brilliant job involving the audience in his magnificent installations, created to fit the exhibition space they ‘live’ with.
At Kunsten, Ernesto Neto will create his biggest location-specific installation in Denmark to date. Just like Alvar Aalto, Ernesto Neto finds inspiration in the nature and its shapes, and we can not wait to invite our audience into an unforgettable experience at Kunsten.
“I’m a sculpture and I think as a sculpture,” Neto says, as he will be transforming the main exhibition hall at Kunsten into a sensual installation called “Voices of the Forest”. Ernesto Neto challenges our traditional perception of the sculpture and transforms the main exhibition hall into a form of living organism. Ernesto Neto has created “Rui ni, Voices of the Forest” in collaboration with Txanabane and his Huni Kuin family.”
We at Lower East are at the moment finishing the design of the catalogue for the exhibition, which a.o. will present an interview with the artist by Senior Curator Stinna Toft, who visited Neto in his studio in Rio and documented the work process in text and photos. The book will also present a huge amount of spectacular photos from “Voices of the Forest“ at the museum by photographer Anders Sune Berg.
See more at the museum website.
Rui ni, Voices of the Forest. From the installation. Ernesto Neto and the Huni Kuin. Photo© lower east