Lower East

New business #2 – 2016

New Business for entrepreneurs in progress. Would you like to start your own business in a sustainable and inspiring way? Do you want to make a difference in your own life? Do you want to see how ancient wisdom can help us create sustainable business structures and services?

Then New Business #2 could be your next move. First step is the info event Thursday December 1th – 7pm-8pm – Innovationsdorf Bern, Wylerringstrasse 36, Bern, Switzerland.

The next step and maybe a great choice could then be the changels-mastery training program of 9 x 3 days over a year.

Join the info event and get to know the program, how we work and who the main trainers Matti Straub-Fischer (head of changels and KaosPilots Switzerland) and Jørgen Smidstrup (communication designer and project maker in Lower East and Lower East Lab) are.

This training is done in collaboration with the KaosPilots Switzerland who serve as business coaches for the participants.

The intro-module of 3 days will take place in February 2016 – from 3rd to 5th of February in Bern at the Innovationsdorf Bern. And the full programme starts April 6th 2016.

More info at the new business blog




Impressions from New Business #1 2014-15  © lower east


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Impressions from New Business #1 2014-15  © Jakob Kristoffersen



Impressions from New Business #1 2014-15  © Rahel Krabichler



Impressions from New Business #1 2014-15  © Rahel Krabichler



Impressions from New Business #1 2014-15  © Rahel Krabichler


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Impressions from New Business #1 2014-15  © Jakob Kristoffersen