We love to teach and talk about how to communicate! Last week the lower east core team went to the Danish island Bornholm to work with the students from the ceramics and glass programme at The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts. We met a group of dedicated students eager to learn – and exited to take new steps with their projects.
Our focus was to dress the students up to go out there and tell the world how great they are in what they are doing. We worked on how to on one side trusting your gut feeling and your intuition, and on the other side how to be disciplined, operate within systems and learn the needed communication tools. Also looking at how to find and develop your story and tell it – at the same time you still are developing your project and your art.
We were looking at different communication ‘platforms’; websites, facebook, blogs, instagram, postcards, business cards, handouts and all that jazz’. The students worked alone and in groups. We believe in working in teams, believe that what you don’t know some in your network may wan’t to help you with – we opened a lot of doors, talked about a lot of opportunities – and left the island again… Now the students keep up the good work… Keep your ears and eyes open for that!
We’ll be back!
Communicate your project
Last week we had a 4 days communication workshop with the students from KaosPilot Switzerland team 3 and team 5 in Bern. We had very fine, creative and fruitful days working on ’how to communicate your project – your new and fresh business idea’. The students were developing communication ideas at the same time as they are developing their projects.
We worked on with presentations, the basic communication needs and platforms, business strips, how to make your written report ’fly and land’ – and finally designing a communication strategy; folding out the plan for how to proceed, how to create interest for your future business, how to get in contact with new project partners and new clients. We also had the time to dig into talks about “creativity is not a talent, it’s a way of operating“. Thanks to the students for wonderful days. Wish you all the best for your future businesses!
You can read more about the KaosPilots Switzerland on their website.
Impressions from the days in Bern:
all photos from the workshop ©lowereast
Working with the studentsThese days we are working with the students from KaosPilots Switzerland Team 4 on HOW TO COMMUNICATE YOUR (UNFINISHED) PROJECT. They create communication strategies, visual identities and other good communication stuff on four different projects; a big markethall with food & art, a big restaurant & community kitchen, a big co-working space combined with art and music, and a totally new hotel concept.
They will present what they have come up with later today, Thursday December 10th in Bern. You are very welcome to come by, listen, enjoy, get inspired, give feedback!
Impression from the last days work & a lot of fun.
Impressions from working with the students. Team SUI4. KaosPilots Switzerland ©lowereast
How to communicate your unfinished business
Working with the students
Last week the Lower East teaching task force went to Bern, Switzerland to teach, talk – and work with the students from KaosPilots Switzerland Team SUI2. They are now on their 3rd, and last year at the school, and will be working mainly at their final project until next summer.
A part of my task was to help each student to have clarity of:
– how the student can communicate his or her research and learning journey.
– how the student can communicate his or her unfinished final project.
– a strategy of how the student can reach out into his or her various communities with the leading questions and the vision of their dream projects, so people can respond to their projects.
– how to use their communication strategy to earn money and/or to get to potential sponsors and partners.
– how to be honest with where they are at with their project development right now – and be able to speak about the dream and the high ambitions that are linked to their projects, inviting other people to join them as partners or supporters at this early stage.
We were discussing and looking at pro and cons with the known tools/media/platforms like websites, blogs, facebook, twitter, email, newsletters, the good old printed stuff like business cards, business stripes, postcards, flyers – and trying to get nearer what can move and communicate my project, what can be that special ‘thing’ that creates special awareness and interest of my (still) unfinished business?
We were putting focus on how to at the same time, develop your new project (and future business) and start the process of reaching out, of communicating, of getting the first clients and partners in sight. Most likely with a very small budget…
All that stuff in only three days, including 15 minutes speed coaching with each student. The days were intense, funny, cosy and challenging in the best way. The students did a very, very fine ‘job’! Now on better track with their new businesses, with power and a good portion of energy.
Keep an eye on them – you will meet them out there in the future!
You can follow the school at the schools website and at their blog – and of course on facebook.
How to communicate your project
Lower East had this week the pleasure to work with the first year students from Team #3 at the KaosPilots Switzerland – we had four creative, hectic and funny days, where we focused on ‘how do we communicate our project(s)’, ‘how to communicate your business’ and ‘how to communicate your unfinished business’. How do we get people on board in your project, where do we find the first client, and the next, and the next…. What’s the thing with the importance of having a cool visual identity, how high a priority has the logo (nowadays), what’s a business strip, what’s a mood board, how old fashioned is a flyer, what’s the communication strategy behind and what’s the extra spice in what we are doing?
The students closed the week with wonderful presentations of their work. The future looks bright; there is a lot of good ideas and untamed creativity going on out there.
When the student is ready the teacher (dis)appears 😉
Pictures from the work in progress at the KaosPilots in Bern.