Lower East

Today’s Picture – from August 2013

We are still walking the streets (and back in August the beaches) with the iphone’s camera ready, searching for Today’s Picture. Trying to capture the day in one picture. We are catching up, and collecting the pics from 2013 – here we show images from the lovely summer, August ’13. This month pictures are from beautiful places in Denmark, and one from Berlin, Germany.

Copenhagen by night 22.08.13 ©lowereast

Copenhagen by night 22.08.13 ©lowereast

Friend's place 20.08.13 ©lowereast

Friend’s place 20.08.13 ©lowereast

The park 19.08.13 ©lowereast

The park 19.08.13 ©lowereast

Falls into place 10.08.13 ©lowereast

Falls into place 10.08.13 ©lowereast

Access 05.08.13 ©lowereast

Access 05.08.13 ©lowereast

Elements 02.08.13 ©lowereast

Elements 02.08.13 ©lowereast

Soft morning 01.08.13 ©lowereast

Soft morning 01.08.13 ©lowereast