We love to teach and talk about how to communicate! Last week the lower east core team went to the Danish island Bornholm to work with the students from the ceramics and glass programme at The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts. We met a group of dedicated students eager to learn – and exited to take new steps with their projects.
Our focus was to dress the students up to go out there and tell the world how great they are in what they are doing. We worked on how to on one side trusting your gut feeling and your intuition, and on the other side how to be disciplined, operate within systems and learn the needed communication tools. Also looking at how to find and develop your story and tell it – at the same time you still are developing your project and your art.
We were looking at different communication ‘platforms’; websites, facebook, blogs, instagram, postcards, business cards, handouts and all that jazz’. The students worked alone and in groups. We believe in working in teams, believe that what you don’t know some in your network may wan’t to help you with – we opened a lot of doors, talked about a lot of opportunities – and left the island again… Now the students keep up the good work… Keep your ears and eyes open for that!
We’ll be back!
European Glass Context 2016
Until 13. November 2016, The European Glass Context takes place on the Danish Island Bornholm. There are two huge exhibitions – one at Bornholm Art Museum and one at Grønbechs Gård showing works from 94 European Glass Artists. Lower East had the pleasure of designing the catalogue for the exhibitions as well as invitations, postcards, posters, diplomas and a totebag. We loved it. Read more about the exhibitions and see photos from the openings on http://www.europeanglasscontext.com. And on the facebook page.
European Ceramic Context 2014 Bornholm
The European Ceramic Context 2014 on Bornholm is up and running. It will continue until 23.11.2014. Lower East just came back from the opening of the two big exhibitions and a wonderful opening party. The catalogue we designed for the event had arrived to the island and looked just as we wanted it to – so the designers were happy. The exhibitions was full of inspiring ceramics – we noticed a lot of animals in the exhibitions – several dogs, pigs, cross overs between animals and humans…. It was very interesting to see ceramics from 29 European countries put together in one place. Lower East also participated in the conference Materiality – the values of matter and making. The conference focused on materiality, thinking through materials, craftsmanship and why making is important to being human. Very inspiring speakers – even for us non-ceramists. This week Alexandra Engelfriet leads a master class Materiality – Body as a tool – Ceramic heritage as Matter. A lot of cool stuff is going on on Bornholm. We strongly recommend everyone who loves ceramics to go to Bornholm and see the wonderful exhibitions in Bornholm Art Museum and Grønbechs Gaard. Thank you for a great weekend. Read much more about European Ceramic Context on the website
Five of the conference speakers: Carsten Friberg, Namita Gupta Wiggers, Mårten Medbo, Helen Marton, Alexandra Engelfriet / photo © lowereast.dk
“European Ceramic Context 2014 forms part of a biennial symposium for European contemporary glass and ceramics on the island of Bornholm in Denmark. Through comprehensive exhibitions, workshops, master classes and lectures, an opportunity will arise to discuss and present the best of contemporary European ceramics today.” (text from the website)
Lower East have worked for this event since 2008. We created the visual identity, designed the websites, catalogues, posters, postcards, invitations etc. During the process, we always have an inspiring dialogue and cooperation with the director of the Biennial Susanne Jøker Johnsen.
For the European Ceramic Context 2014, which opens 13th September we already designed the website, postcards and posters. For the visual identity we developed a new colour scheme, ending up with a beautiful set of colours ranging from lavender over light and dark violet to a warm clay-grey and a dark liver-brown. For the poster graphics we have been playing around with the clay figures by Danish artist Louise Birch. On the poster we imagined, that the figures were in an exhibition space – exploring art, meeting each other, relaxing and enjoying a bit of yoga in between conferences and workshops. They are full of humour and we love them.
Read much more about European Ceramic Context 2014 on the website. We recommend you to visit Bornholm in September 2014 to see the fantastic exhibitions or maybe take part in a conference, workshop etc. Enjoy!
Bornholm Biennials for contemporary European glass and ceramics are jointly organized by Bornholm Art Museum, The Royal Danish Academy, School of Design Bornholm and Grønbechs Gård.
Facebook profile picture with clay figures by Louise Birch. Process work on cover photo by Trine Tofte Lyngsholm © lowereast.dk
European Glass Context 2012 forms part of a biennial symposium for European contemporary glass and ceramics on the island of Bornholm in Denmark. Through comprehensive exhibitions, workshops, master classes and lectures, an opportunity will arise to discuss and present the best of contemporary European glass today. This event is motivated by a desire to promote the disciplines and trades of glass and ceramic art at European and global levels. (text from the website)
Lower East did all the graphic design for the event – webdesign, catalogue, invitation, postcards, poster, totebag, diplomas. And we joined the three day masterclass with New York based architects James Carpenter and Reid Freeman to photo document the groups works. Working together with Susanne Jøker Johnsen, the project director and her assistant Julia Robert was a pleasure.
The two exhibitions Glass Art and New Talent will be on show until November 18.
More info on the website www.europeanglasscontext.com