Lower East

All the best in 2017!


Happy Holidays & Happy New Year!

In the Lower East world it has been in many, many ways a very fine year, this 2016. We have been involved in so many cool and interesting jobs and projects. There was a lot to do and to enjoy; graphic design work in Denmark, Switzerland and in Berlin, teaching communication in Berlin, Bern and on Bornholm. Dinners, workshops, meetings and visits in our Lower East Lab, three talented interns in our company during the year. 2016 was also spiced up with exiting travels for work and for inspiration to Paris, Lisbon, Mallorca, Italy, and of course to Denmark and Switzerland.

During 2016 we sadly had to say goodbye to some of our stars; Prince, “all good things, they say, never last“, but we hope we can be “bathing in purple rain“, and will keep an eye on the sky because “sometimes it snows in April“. Bowie left too, “Something happened on the day he died / Somebody else took his place, and bravely cried / I’m a blackstar, I’m a star’s star, I’m a blackstar“, Bowie was “stepping through the door / … floating in a most peculiar way / And the stars look very different today“ – he’ll most likely want you to “put on your red shoes and dance the blues“. Also Cohen said “so long“ and claimed “I’m leaving the table / I’m out of the game“ – and “I’m running late / They’ll close the bar / I used to play / One mean guitar“. He left us with “thousand kisses deep“, with “it’s time that we began / To laugh and cry and cry and laugh about it all again“, and with “Dance me to the end of love“. Thanks for all the words, Cohen!

We need some encouraging words for the time being, because outside the Lower East world a lot of things are going wrong, latest the cowardly attack here in Berlin monday evening.

Let’s look forward to 2017. Let’s do our very best to change what needs to be changed, let’s inspire each other in the best ways, be kind to those who needs support – and dance whenever we get the chance!

We wish you and your dear ones all the best in 2017!

Helle Marietta & Jørgen Smidstrup – Lower East & Lower East Lab.

PS: Our new year card is beautifully created by our graphic design intern Sirid Wils.
