The lower east lab berlin – ready to welcome (almost) what ever you can come up with. We are so happy with our lab, we have had for ten years now – the home of lower east design, lower east lab and camillo’s kitchen lab.
– lower east design – designing visual identities, books, websites, posters, magazines and a lot more.
– lower east lab berlin – design studio, creative learning space, workshop space, meeting room, co-working space, showroom etc.
– camillo’s kitchen lab – where new recipes, new menus are developed and tested, cook books are developed, designed, illustrated and written. Casual test dinners are held – food eaten, and wine drunken.
For the time being the lab are also filled with guests/groups/companys either having day-long meetings, workshops or talks. We have clients using the lab as a classroom for a photo course, for fashion show room, for photo shoots, for dinners and events.
Between all the hustle and bustle the lab functions mostly as our design studio.
You are welcome to rent the lab when you need an awesome space in the finest backyard in town, Kreuzberg, Berlin. Call +45 40636899 or (even better) send an email to js@lowereastlab.de