Impressions from an Urban Safari we arranged and hosted for the architect company Mejeriet from Denmark. The safari was a part of the architect’s inspiration tour to Berlin. The theme of the safari was ‘transformation’.
On the safari we visited areas and buildings that had been transformed from one use to another. Or still was in the process of a shift and change – or maybe even had transformed ‘back’ into the old original use, like the successful foodmarket in Markthalle 9 in Kreuzberg. We visited old industrial buildings that have transformed into cultural event spaces; the Tempelhofer Airport that now functions as a recreative playground for all Berliners etc. etc. It was great to explore the city with a bunch of enthusiastic architects, who out of a sudden stops because they just have to touch the material of a facade or study a detail in the landscape architecture of a park.
Please let us know if you want us to arrange a tour for your company, school or group, within the areas of architecture, design, inspiration, startup or new business.