Pictograms galore, an old woman and an old man, communicating with a humorous expression, that old people are still going strong and have no intention of stopping doing that what so ever. AAL Forum is an international conference about ambient assisted living.
Lower East designed the conference graphics based on a series of pictograms – unfolded on postcards, badges, posters, banners, t-shirts and even sewed loads of pillows for the conference lounge. Successful, funny and cool communication!
The visual language of the pictograms is easily understood worldwide and brings a smile to your face – maybe they make you think about the old people you know or how you want your own life to be, when you get older. We wanted the pictograms to be lively. They should look old but not weary. How could we show that? We added a handbag to the woman and a walking stick to the man. They always bring their accesories what ever they do – fly, work out, dance, play… The pictograms invite to conversation among the conference participants.