Lower East

MFO-Park, Oerlikon, Zürich

Hey, what a cool park!! The MFO-Park in Oerlikon, Zurich, Schweiz. The sun was shining, one of the first days of October, it was 20 degrees, and all the fantastic colors of the autumn appeared. What’s not to like?!
Okay, maybe we had a lucky moment. Lower East jumped of the train, and had the most wonderful and quiet hour in the park built on the  former area of the engine factory “Maschinenfabrik Oerlikon”. The Park is 100 meter long, 34 meter broad and 18 meter high, with the hanging gardens. Even the park benches was a thrill.
Architects of this little wonder is Swiss Burckhardt+Partner AG, in cooperation with landscape architects Raderschall.

More info on the park here.

MFO-Park Zürich ©lowereast.dk

MFO-Park Zürich ©lowereast.dk

MFO-Park Zürich ©lowereast.dk

MFO-Park Zürich ©lowereast.dk

MFO-Park Zürich ©lowereast.dk

MFO-Park Zürich ©lowereast.dk

MFO-Park Zürich ©lowereast.dk

MFO-Park Zürich ©lowereast.dk

Museum für Gestaltung Zürich

Lower East visited Museum für Gestaltung in Zürich the other day. Enjoying the exhibition “100 Years of Swiss Graphic Design“. Really cool work; high quality, simple solutions, good focus on typography and on precision.

Extract from the museums website; “The view of one hundred years of graphic design shows both the diversity of current visual communication as well as the fine lines of tradition that connect works from different epochs. Alongside the poster and smaller items of printed matter, the show also includes outstanding examples from advertising and information graphics, typography, signage or book design, design objects that relate to graphic design, as well as selected striking advertising spots, and works for web design. Many objects come from the museum’s own collection”.

Check out the Museum für Gestaltung Zürich.

Identity for Swiss Air ©lowereast.dk

Old poster for the cool bar in Zürich ©lowereast.dk

From the exhibition ©lowereast.dk

No exhibition without Helvetica ©lowereast.dk

“bare necessity“ ©lowereast.dk

Bauhaus-ish ©lowereast.dk

Please enter ©lowereast.dk