Lower East

Roman Ondak

The exiting exhibition ‘Roman Ondak. History Repeats Itself’ are running until September 17th at Kunsten Museum of Modern Art in Aalborg, Denmark.

We had the pleasure to design the book for the exhibition by the Slovakian artist Roman Ondak. The book is enriched by very good photos from the opening days of ‘History Repeats Itself’ and from the building of the exhibition.

Review of ‘History Repeats Itself’ from the online ‘art magazine’ kunsten.nu (in the Danish)

Find more pictures from the book – here on our website


History Repeats Itself. Kunsten Museum of Modern Art @photo Anders Sune Berg.


Roman Ondak. History Repeats Itself. Kunsten Museum of Modern Art. The book.


History Repeats Itself. Kunsten Museum of Modern Art @photo Anders Sune Berg.


History Repeats Itself. Kunsten Museum of Modern Art @photo Anders Sune Berg.




History Repeats Itself

Lower East were at the opening of the exhibition Roman Ondak – History Repeats Itself, at Kunsten Museum of Modern Art, Aalborg.

Here are some of our impressions from our tour into the interesting and beautiful space the artist have created at the museum – it is a very rich and engaging, thoughtful and playful exhibition, really worth a visit (or two!).

Later on this month we will do the graphic design of the book for History Repeats Itself – we are looking very much forward to again work together with Kunsten, and with Roman Ondak on creating the book.

About the exhibition – from the museums website:

“A collision between the past and present, adolescence and adulthood is a central theme of the exhibition titled History Repeats Itself. Exploring themes relevant for today’s political development, the exhibition strives to inspire critical thinking, dealing with topics the artist tracked from his memory of the period when he grew up during communism in former Czechoslovakia, and which similarly, as if in a loop, a new generation of young people might be confronted with at present.

The exhibition History Repeats Itself invites the viewer to participate in a suggestive staged show, laid out as clues tracing both the passage of time and our capacity to learn from history. The audience visiting is engaged in a sort of archaeological field work, imitating the artist’s own method, where objects are carefully collected and laid out as hidden messages.“

History Repeats Itself will be on the show until September – go, run, drive or fly to Aalborg, Denmark to dig into the world of Roman Ondak!

Find more info at kunsten.dk


Roman Ondak – History Repeats Itself, photo Lower East


Roman Ondak – History Repeats Itself, photo Lower East


Roman Ondak – History Repeats Itself, photo Lower East


Roman Ondak – History Repeats Itself, photo Lower East


Roman Ondak – History Repeats Itself, photo Lower East


Roman Ondak – History Repeats Itself, photo Lower East


Roman Ondak – History Repeats Itself, photo Lower East


Roman Ondak – History Repeats Itself, photo Lower East


Roman Ondak – History Repeats Itself, photo Lower East


Roman Ondak – History Repeats Itself, photo Lower East


Roman Ondak – History Repeats Itself, photo Lower East


Roman Ondak – History Repeats Itself, photo Lower East