On Saturday Februar 2nd, the arts museum KUNSTEN in Aalborg, Denmark, will open the real monsters. michael kvium exhibition.
Lower East have designed the catalogue to the exhibition, showing 30 recent works by the artist.
“Central to the works is the depiction of human figures. In these pictures Michael Kvium (b.1955) grapples with religion, politics and everyday life. Nothing is sacred to this artist. He exposes each and every one of us with a firm hand, but with a touch of affection and a twinkle in his eye. In recent years, much more than previously, his figures have entered the realm of ‘reality’ such as we understand the term” (from the museums webpage).
Last week the catalogue was printed, we spend a couple of days at the printing house to follow the printing and to check that everything went the way we wanted it. And to enjoy the process – the photos here are from the printing.
We are very exited about it – and are looking forward to hold the catalogue, with more than 100 (very big) pages, in our hands.