From November 11th to November 16th the yearly Aarhus Filmfestival will take place. Over 6 days the filmfestival will be screening a great amount of international shorts and documentaries. Check the program at the festival’s webpage – good stuff is happening in Aarhus, Denmark.
Among other stuff Lower East designed the poster for the event.
Poster Aarhus Filmfestival 2014, design Lower East
European Ceramic Context 2014“European Ceramic Context 2014 forms part of a biennial symposium for European contemporary glass and ceramics on the island of Bornholm in Denmark. Through comprehensive exhibitions, workshops, master classes and lectures, an opportunity will arise to discuss and present the best of contemporary European ceramics today.” (text from the website)
Lower East have worked for this event since 2008. We created the visual identity, designed the websites, catalogues, posters, postcards, invitations etc. During the process, we always have an inspiring dialogue and cooperation with the director of the Biennial Susanne Jøker Johnsen.
For the European Ceramic Context 2014, which opens 13th September we already designed the website, postcards and posters. For the visual identity we developed a new colour scheme, ending up with a beautiful set of colours ranging from lavender over light and dark violet to a warm clay-grey and a dark liver-brown. For the poster graphics we have been playing around with the clay figures by Danish artist Louise Birch. On the poster we imagined, that the figures were in an exhibition space – exploring art, meeting each other, relaxing and enjoying a bit of yoga in between conferences and workshops. They are full of humour and we love them.
Read much more about European Ceramic Context 2014 on the website. We recommend you to visit Bornholm in September 2014 to see the fantastic exhibitions or maybe take part in a conference, workshop etc. Enjoy!
Bornholm Biennials for contemporary European glass and ceramics are jointly organized by Bornholm Art Museum, The Royal Danish Academy, School of Design Bornholm and Grønbechs Gård.
Facebook profile picture with clay figures by Louise Birch. Process work on cover photo by Trine Tofte Lyngsholm ©
Aarhus Filmfestival 2013 is coming up. From 12th to 17th November you can see short and documentaries in cinemas, museums and culture venues all over Aarhus, Denmark.
Lower East are these days working on the design of the rich catalogue for the festival. 40 (or 44?) pages filled with tempting short and documentary film programmes plus events, talks and parties over six autumn days.
Already out of the printing house are the posters and flyers – you can follow the festival on their website or on facebook.
Michael Kvium at KunstenLower East are heading for the opening this afternoon of Real Monsters. Michael Kvium at KUNSTEN – Museum of Modern Art Aalborg. We have designed the catalogue and poster for the exhibition. We are happy about it, looking forward to the respons from the artist and the museum.
“They emerge out there in the murky twilight. These monsters we see, but cannot catch. They seem familiar. We give them names, describe them precisely and create myths about them, so everyone thinks they know all about them.” Michael Kvium.
The exhibition presents 30 recent works by Kvium and is a result of close collaboration between KUNSTEN and Michael Kvium. It presents several new works alongside other paintings and sculptures from recent years.
The exhibition runs from February 2 to April 21, 2013.
On April 29, 2013 International Dance Day, also known as World Dance Day, is celebrated all over the world. The day was introduced in 1982 by the International Dance Committee of the UNESCO International Theatre Institute. The date was chosen to commemorate the birthday of Jean-Georges Noverre, who was born in 1727, a French dancer and ballet master and a great reformer of dance.
The organization “Dansens Dag“ holds a poster competition for the Danish World Dance Day 2013. A prize of 10.000 DKK is awarded to the winning proposition. Better hurry up, deadline November 30.
Read about conditions and stuff here (sorry, only in danish. Seek help if you don’t get a clue).
Kultur ist GreatGreat poster! Maybe one should take a culture trip to Great Britain?
Maybe checking out Turner at National Gallery or Hirst at Tate Modern.
Take a look at Visit Britain