Lower East

Today’s Picture – from June 2013

Lower East are still walking the streets with the iphone’s camera ready, searching for Today’s Picture. Trying to capture the day in one picture. We are catching up on 2013 – here we show the pictures from June ’13 – this month pictures are; one from Berlin, some from Denmark and some from Uganda (yes, very much on the travel…).

We choose the coolest one, or the most beautiful one, or the one that tells the best story of the day.

At home 29.06.13 ©lowereast

At home 29.06.13 ©lowereast

Love love 27.06.13 ©lowereast

Love love 27.06.13 ©lowereast

Closing time 26.06.13 ©lowereast

Closing time 26.06.13 ©lowereast

White ball 25.06.13 ©lowereast

White ball 25.06.13 ©lowereast

Backseat 17.06.13 ©lowereast

Backseat 17.06.13 ©lowereast

Good morning Nile 16.06.13 ©lowereast

Good morning Nile 16.06.13 ©lowereast

The falg & the sun 15.06.13 ©lowereast

The falg & the sun 15.06.13 ©lowereast