Buchstabenmuseum Berlin is a wonderful place. Out of love and passion for typography two graphic designers began to collect old letters from company facades. They created a “retirement home“ for the letters “gone out of business”. It is such a great idea. The letters are kept for the future and you find all kinds of documentation of where the letters came from etc. If you have interest in typography, studying graphic design etc., you should definately go and visit this place. It is a totally private initiative, so by visiting the museum you support the conservation and documentation of all these beautiful letters.
More info at the museum website and on the facebook page
This celebrity E has been starring in the movie Inglorious Basterds by Tarantino – it was part of the name of the blown up Theatre LE GAMAAR and survived the explosion © lowereast.dk
Buchstabenmuseum Berlin is a wonderful place, where two graphic designers have made a home for old letters, which have ‘gone out of business’ – NICE!