We just did this handout for Mejeriet Architects – a 24 pager with recent work from the architects.
A bit more info – under our work at this side.
International Women’s DayFor Kvinfo, Denmark we did the graphic work for the celebration of March 8th 2021. This year’s celebration is an online event (due to the Covid-19 restrictions) live on zoom and facebook.
International Women’s Day (March 8) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating women’s equality.
KVINFO is the Danish centre for gender, gender equality and diversity. KVINFO is the hub for research, knowledge and information related to the current dialogue on gender, equality and equal opportunities; nationally as well as internationally.
Join the celebration – and keep up the good work for equal rights!
Live-streaming on Facebook or Zoom via this link:
Here some examples of the graphic work:
Walking in the VoidFor Glasmuseet Ebeltoft we designed the book for the exhibition Walking in the Void. The artists behind the exhibition, the American-Swiss couple Philip Baldwin & Monica Guggisberg, rank among the elite of contemporary artists working in glass. Dougald Hine, writer & cofounder of “a school called HOME” contributed to the book with an essay in twelve chapters. Exhibition photos by Christoph Lehmann. Read more about the exhibition and see more pictures here
The book. Twelve pages fold out showing the work “The Timeline”. Exhibition Photos: Christoph Lehmann
We designed a series of four posters for the exhibition “Vilhelm Lundstrøm og den gode smag“ (Vilhelm Lundstrøm & the epitome of good taste) at Kunsten Museum of Modern Art in Aalborg, Denmark.
Here you can see all the posters – if you want to own one or more of these master pieces, you can buy them in the shop at the museums. You can also pay a visit to the museum – they will, among other exhibitions be showing the fantastic William Kentridge exhibition “The Refusal of Time“ from March 21th.
Check out the museum.
Voices of the ForestThe Brazilian artist Ernesto Neto is right now having an wonderful exhibition, Voices of the Forest, at Kunsten Museum of Modern Art in Aalborg, Denmark. The exhibition will run until mid of October this year.
We at Lower East designed the book for the exhibition – you can see and read more about the book and the exhibition under our work at our website.
A look into the book Ernesto Neto, Voices of the Forest. Pictures from the building of the exhibition.
Over the last couple of weeks I have been working with the question – how to promote Lower East Lab? What can we do right here and now? What will need time to grow and what would happen if we had no limitations and could do whatever we wanted?
Can we do a big billboard in the middle of Alexander Platz, should we cover the city in cool posters and stickers, do we need a bike or a bathtub for the entrance? So people can find us when they are invited to different events. And what about all the inspiration going on at The Lab – how can we promote that? All questions I have been asking myself the last couple of weeks – to push me to be open, creative and to come up with the best ideas possible.
The great thing about this process is that you can stay open minded all the way because nothings has to be settled right away. You can always pick and choose at the end.
This is some pictures of my process and the products I have been working on. All of them still in process…
/ Casper, the intern
Letter Museum Berlin / Buchstabenmuseum Berlin
Buchstabenmuseum Berlin is a wonderful place. Out of love and passion for typography two graphic designers began to collect old letters from company facades. They created a “retirement home“ for the letters “gone out of business”. It is such a great idea. The letters are kept for the future and you find all kinds of documentation of where the letters came from etc. If you have interest in typography, studying graphic design etc., you should definately go and visit this place. It is a totally private initiative, so by visiting the museum you support the conservation and documentation of all these beautiful letters.
More info at the museum website and on the facebook page
This celebrity E has been starring in the movie Inglorious Basterds by Tarantino – it was part of the name of the blown up Theatre LE GAMAAR and survived the explosion © lowereast.dk
“European Ceramic Context 2014 forms part of a biennial symposium for European contemporary glass and ceramics on the island of Bornholm in Denmark. Through comprehensive exhibitions, workshops, master classes and lectures, an opportunity will arise to discuss and present the best of contemporary European ceramics today.” (text from the website)
Lower East have worked for this event since 2008. We created the visual identity, designed the websites, catalogues, posters, postcards, invitations etc. During the process, we always have an inspiring dialogue and cooperation with the director of the Biennial Susanne Jøker Johnsen.
For the European Ceramic Context 2014, which opens 13th September we already designed the website, postcards and posters. For the visual identity we developed a new colour scheme, ending up with a beautiful set of colours ranging from lavender over light and dark violet to a warm clay-grey and a dark liver-brown. For the poster graphics we have been playing around with the clay figures by Danish artist Louise Birch. On the poster we imagined, that the figures were in an exhibition space – exploring art, meeting each other, relaxing and enjoying a bit of yoga in between conferences and workshops. They are full of humour and we love them.
Read much more about European Ceramic Context 2014 on the website. We recommend you to visit Bornholm in September 2014 to see the fantastic exhibitions or maybe take part in a conference, workshop etc. Enjoy!
Bornholm Biennials for contemporary European glass and ceramics are jointly organized by Bornholm Art Museum, The Royal Danish Academy, School of Design Bornholm and Grønbechs Gård.
Facebook profile picture with clay figures by Louise Birch. Process work on cover photo by Trine Tofte Lyngsholm © lowereast.dk
Lower East are back from a great opening of artist Michael Kvium’s real monsters exhibition at Kunsten in Aalborg. We were honoured to be asked to do all the graphic stuff for the exhibition. We had a fruitful cooperation during the whole process with the staff from Kunsten. As we arrived to the opening on friday the posters were hanging on the wall, the postcards were ready for sale on the desk and the big size catalogues were welcoming us – we were happy to see, that the catalogue complemented the exhibition very well – large format book for gigantic paintings. It is always very exiting to see if everything come out as you have imagined – and it did. The fantastic new works by Michael Kvium, a touching film portrait of Kvium “The Naked Eye” by director Peter Klitgaard, an exceptional performance by author Jens Blendstrup and an extraordinary dinner with a lot of interesting people made the day and evening fantastic. We recommend everybody to take a trip to Aalborg and see this great exhibition. On show until 21. April 2013 at Kunsten.
European Glass Context 2012 forms part of a biennial symposium for European contemporary glass and ceramics on the island of Bornholm in Denmark. Through comprehensive exhibitions, workshops, master classes and lectures, an opportunity will arise to discuss and present the best of contemporary European glass today. This event is motivated by a desire to promote the disciplines and trades of glass and ceramic art at European and global levels. (text from the website)
Lower East did all the graphic design for the event – webdesign, catalogue, invitation, postcards, poster, totebag, diplomas. And we joined the three day masterclass with New York based architects James Carpenter and Reid Freeman to photo document the groups works. Working together with Susanne Jøker Johnsen, the project director and her assistant Julia Robert was a pleasure.
The two exhibitions Glass Art and New Talent will be on show until November 18.
More info on the website www.europeanglasscontext.com
Last week Lower East facilitated a Bauhaus workshop at Borups Højskole Copenhagen in the Next Step class. The students were introduced to the Bauhaus movement by a presentation and a movie about the Bauhaus school. We followed in the footsteps of the famous Bauhaus designers and the Next Step students created amazing work inspired by the Bauhaus philosophy – starting up with exercises on simple geometrical forms – ending up with great experiments and designs of playful 3-dimensional calendars, architectural sketches, a mobile of Bauhaus letters, cool playing cards, amazing counting books for children, a great multifunctional chair/bench/resting place and a fabulous jumping jack. At the end of the week the students created an exhibition. We had a good vibe in the class in the universe of primary colors – red, blue, yellow – triangles, squares and circles. Thank you all for your great involvement, enthusiasm and sharing your thoughts and ideas with us. We are looking forward to seeing some of you this week in Berlin and visiting the Bauhaus Archive with you.
Lower East Goes WarholLower East just created these colourful flyers & labels & stuff for the opening party at ‘Dansens Dag’ (International Dance Day) in Copenhagen. The opening party are taking place on April 28, while the official ‘Dansens Dag’ is the day after April 29. If in Copenhagen, go there, celebrate and dance!
Check out the programme at the Dansens Dag website (in Danish)
Graphic design is all overAs passionate graphic designers we are always talking about the graphic design that surrounds us in our everyday life. A work related condition. Going shopping for dinner can be a graphic adventure or a disaster. What are good graphics. Do they communicate the product in the best way. Why do we buy the stuff. Is it because beauty and quality goes hand in hand or do we sometimes buy products more expensive just because we like the look of the package. Sometimes we might choose not to buy a good product with a good price because it is too ugly…yeah.
We just love this italian espresso can. The beauty of the colour, the coffee bean and coffee cup in the illustration and the type is very balanced. Now we use this can for all kinds of espresso.
Plain salt is needed everyday. We found these in on our local food market – 1 euro each – just lovely.
Olive oil. Good solid font. Good solid oil.
An old chewing gum stand. We found it in a flea market in Copenhagen. We use it in our kitchen as a shelf for herbs. Sometimes we are searching for colour palettes for our projects. This is a good example. Nice retro palette – orange, red, dark green.
Museum der Dinge, BerlinLower East paid visit to the corny museum, Museum der Dinge (Museum of Things) in Berlin, the other day.
Text from their webpage: “Since summer 2007 the museum shows a significant part of its large and rarely exhibited collection of design and everyday culture of the 20th century in an “Open Storage” presentation. On the one hand the objects are arranged in a display of exemplary objects and supply information about the polarizing program of the Deutscher Werkbund and on the other hand give basic information about function, using-history in the 20th century and contemporary product culture.”
On Orainenstrasse, open Friday to Monday. Website – check it out.
KaosPilots SwitzerlandHurry! Hurry! Deadline for applying to the KaosPilot school in Bern, Switzerland is March 14.
Lower East developed and designed the graphic campaign material to catch the right students for the education. The school will start up October 2012. More info www.kaospilots.ch
Don’t hesitate! Next time u are short of a bathtub, contact Herr Kurt Vandrey.
Buchstabenmuseum BerlinBuchstabenmuseum Berlin is a wonderful place, where two graphic designers have made a home for old letters, which have ‘gone out of business’ – NICE!