Lower East

Walking in the Void

For Glasmuseet Ebeltoft we designed the book for the exhibition Walking in the Void. The artists behind the exhibition, the American-Swiss couple Philip Baldwin & Monica Guggisberg, rank among the elite of contemporary artists working in glass. Dougald Hine, writer & cofounder of “a school called HOME” contributed to the book with an essay in twelve chapters. Exhibition photos by Christoph Lehmann. Read more about the exhibition and see more pictures here

The book. Twelve pages fold out showing the work “The Timeline”. Exhibition Photos: Christoph Lehmann

Kurt Trampedach

3 new posters and 3 new postcards designed by Lower East for Kunsten. Museum of Modern Art, Aalborg – for the current exhibition about the danish artist Kurt Trampedach – Dark Encounters.

About the artist and the exhibition – from the museums website;
“When it comes to modern Danish art, Kurt Trampedach (1943-2013) is now considered something of a legend. Throughout his career he went his own way, with no regard for conventions or contemporary taste. With his original artistic language he made an early breakthrough at the start 1960s and quickly achieved international success.

The exhibition features an extensive selection of the artist’s most important works from the 1960s and 1970s, including self-portraits, sculptures and tableaux loaned from both Danish museums and private collectors.“

The exhibition will be on show until January 6th 2019.


Poster Kunsten, Aalborg

Postcard. Kunsten, Aalborg

Postcard. Kunsten, Aalborg

Young Glass 2017

Lower East attended the big opening of the exhibition YOUNG GLASS 2017 at Glasmuseet Ebeltoft. We met a lot of  talented glass artists from all over the world. The exhibition is amazing and playful – showing surprising new directions in glass art. On show in Ebeltoft until 29th October 2017. photo: Artwork by Sarah Gilbert. photo©lowereast

From the museum website:
“This summer the museum takes stock of the work created by the younger generation of artists working with glass in the 4th edition of YOUNG GLASS.

Young Glass has become a major international competition established to reward and promote innovation and young talent in contemporary glass. It was initiated by Glasmuseet Ebeltoft in 1987 and is repeated every 10th year.

Works by 57 artists have been selected for the exhibition by a high profile international jury and there will be four cash prizes totalling Euro 42,000 and two artist residencies awarded to the winners.”

YOUNG GLASS 2017 can be seen at:

See more at the museum website here



Artwork by Rasmus Nossbring. photo©lowereast



Glass Artist Ida Wieth & Exhibition Officer Sandra Blach. photo©lowereast



Artwork by Rebecca Arday. photo©lowereast



Artwork by Evelina Dovsten. photo©lowereast



Artwork by Eva Reddy. photo©lowereast



Artwork by Johanne Jahncke. photo©lowereast



Artwork by Evelyn Cromwell. photo©lowereast



Artwork by Xueyu He. photo©lowereast



Artwork by Kathryn Wightman. photo©lowereast



Artwork by Johanne Jahncke. photo©lowereast



artwork by Carl Bens, Johanne Jahncke & Morgan Peterson. photo©lowereast



Artwork by Morgan Peterson. photo©lowereast



Artwork by Kateriin Rikken. photo©lowereast


Beyond Icons

“Beyond Icons“, the Design School Kolding’s 50th Anniversary Exhibition at the Museum at Koldinghus in Denmark exemplifies how design creates, affects and moves our lives. Lower East paid the excellent and very interesting exhibition a summer visit.

“Beyond Icons” celebrates the anniversary “by going behind the well-known design icons and focusing on the human factor in design, on the designer’s as well as the user’s experiences, emotions and attitudes. The graduation projects submitted by this year’s new designers are presented alongside 50 user perspectives on design. The 50 “guest curators,” who are all well-known public figures, have chosen designs that make a difference either to people, to the environment or to an industry, although we are seldom aware of it.“ – tells the school’s website.

We recommend to go experience the exhibition – on show until October 22th, 2017.
Find more info at the Design School Kolding’s website and at the Koldinghus website.


“Beyond Icons“ the Design School Kolding’s 50th Anniversary Exhibition at the Museum at Koldinghus © photo: lower east


“Beyond Icons“ the Design School Kolding’s 50th Anniversary Exhibition at the Museum at Koldinghus © photo: lower east


“Beyond Icons“ the Design School Kolding’s 50th Anniversary Exhibition at the Museum at Koldinghus © photo: lower east


“Beyond Icons“ the Design School Kolding’s 50th Anniversary Exhibition at the Museum at Koldinghus © photo: lower east


“Beyond Icons“ the Design School Kolding’s 50th Anniversary Exhibition at the Museum at Koldinghus © photo: lower east


“Beyond Icons“ the Design School Kolding’s 50th Anniversary Exhibition at the Museum at Koldinghus © photo: lower east


“Beyond Icons“ the Design School Kolding’s 50th Anniversary Exhibition at the Museum at Koldinghus © photo: lower east


“Beyond Icons“ the Design School Kolding’s 50th Anniversary Exhibition at the Museum at Koldinghus © photo: lower east


“Beyond Icons“ the Design School Kolding’s 50th Anniversary Exhibition at the Museum at Koldinghus © photo: lower east


“Beyond Icons“ the Design School Kolding’s 50th Anniversary Exhibition at the Museum at Koldinghus © photo: lower east


“Beyond Icons“ the Design School Kolding’s 50th Anniversary Exhibition at the Museum at Koldinghus © photo: lower east



Louise Pommery and art

On the Lower East trip to France, we visited Reims to spend a weekend with our dear friends and champagne lovers John & Birgitte. One of the highlights of the weekend was our visit to the champagne house Pommery.

After Mr. Pommery had run the champagne house for only one year from 1857-58, he died. The young widow Louise Pommery decided to take over the champagne business and led it on to success and glory. She invented the champagne as we know it today with a very low content of sugar. She used her fortune to set up the first pension fund and a social security system for her employees. She also founded the orphanage in Reims and its maternity fund. She was also a patron of the arts, and in the champagne cellars of Pommery art exhibitions are shown with different themes.

The exhibition we joined was called “Gigantesque!”. “Playing with the architecture of this estate, the Gigantesque! exhibition seeks to showcase the excess and extravagance of today’s artists: ideas and research that partake of the colossal, but, at the same time, of the unbelievably tiny, the miniscule. Defying all norms. Out of scale. The gigantesque is the unbridled imagination, the exceeding of all measure. For the artists, gigantesque is the desire, the new energies, the challenge to create and invent new utopias. Gigantesque, like art and the immensity of the human being.” Read more about Pommery on the website.




Photo: lower east



Photo: lower east



Photo: lower east



Photo: lower east



Photo: lower east



Photo: lower east



Photo: lower east



Photo: lower east

European Glass Context 2016

Until 13. November 2016, The European Glass Context takes place on the Danish Island Bornholm. There are two huge exhibitions – one at Bornholm Art Museum and one at Grønbechs Gård showing works from 94 European Glass Artists. Lower East had the pleasure of designing the catalogue for the exhibitions as well as invitations, postcards, posters, diplomas and a totebag. We loved it. Read more about the exhibitions and see photos from the openings on http://www.europeanglasscontext.com. And on the facebook page.



Book spread · photo © lowereast



Poster. Artwork: Riikka Latva-Somppi · Photo: Aleksi Tikkala



Diploma 1st Prize · photo © lowereast


Diploma 2nd Prize · photo © lowereast

European Ceramic Context 2014

European Ceramic Context 2014 forms part of a biennial symposium for European contemporary glass and ceramics on the island of Bornholm in Denmark. Through comprehensive exhibitions, workshops, master classes and lectures, an opportunity will arise to discuss and present the best of contemporary European ceramics today.” (text from the website)

Lower East have worked for this event since 2008. We created the visual identity, designed the websites, catalogues, posters, postcards, invitations etc. During the process, we always have an inspiring dialogue and cooperation with the director of the Biennial Susanne Jøker Johnsen.

For the European Ceramic Context 2014, which opens 13th September we already designed the website, postcards and posters. For the visual identity we developed a new colour scheme, ending up with a beautiful set of colours ranging from lavender over light and dark violet to a warm clay-grey and a dark liver-brown. For the poster graphics we have been playing around with the clay figures by Danish artist Louise Birch. On the poster we imagined, that the figures were in an exhibition space – exploring art, meeting  each other, relaxing and enjoying a bit of yoga in between conferences and workshops. They are full of humour and we love them.

Read much more about European Ceramic Context 2014 on the website. We recommend you to visit Bornholm in September 2014 to see the fantastic exhibitions or maybe take part in a conference, workshop etc. Enjoy!

Bornholm Biennials for contemporary European glass and ceramics are jointly organized by Bornholm Art Museum, The Royal Danish Academy, School of Design Bornholm and Grønbechs Gård.

New colour scheme for ECC 2014 © lowereast.dk

New colour scheme for ECC 2014 © lowereast.dk

Website ECC 2014 © lowereast.dk

Website ECC 2014 © lowereast.dk

A2 poster ECC 2014 with clay figures by Danish artist Louise Birch © lowereast.dk

A2 poster ECC 2014 with clay figures by Danish artist Louise Birch © lowereast.dk

Facebook profile picture with clay figures by Louise Birch. Process work on cover photo by Trine Tofte Lyngsholm  © lowereast.dk

Facebook profile picture with clay figures by Louise Birch. Process work on cover photo by Trine Tofte Lyngsholm © lowereast.dk


For ARoS Aarhus Art Museum Lower East designed a huge catalogue for the exhibition GOLD – TREASURES FROM THE DANISH GOLDEN AGE. 300 pages filled with great photos, gold metal print and texts in Danish and English written by experts in the Golden age a.o. Karina Lykke Grand.

It is a wonderful exhibiton and you can visit it until October 20, 2013. Go there, if you love The Golden Age or go there if you are curious to learn and explore. We got quite crazy about the period during the work with the book, thanks to Lise Pennington and Anne Mette Thomsen from ARoS.

The book can be purchased in the museum shop or from the ARoS online shop for DKK 299.

More information about the exhibition on ARoS website

From the museum website:
“The exhibition shows how the Danish Golden Age artists found new ways with their works, broke with tradition and demonstrated both courage and curiosity in motif and technique. We perhaps know the masterpieces of the Golden Age in the shape of impressive  landscapes, appealing middle-class portraits and unspoiled Italian sights from the artists’ travels abroad. But there are also other and less well known stories of the Golden Age that manifest themselves in the intersection between art, literature, science and politics. So visitors will not only be presented with a large number of the best known works from the Golden Age; the exhibition will also be  showing a considerable number of less familiar, but certainly not less interesting works.”


The catalogue ©lowereast.dk


The catalogue ©lowereast.dk


The catalogue ©lowereast.dk


The catalogue ©lowereast.dk


The catalogue ©lowereast.dk


The catalogue ©lowereast.dk


The catalogue ©lowereast.dk


The catalogue ©lowereast.dk


The catalogue ©lowereast.dk


The catalogue © lower east

Danish artist Michael Kvium at Kunsten
“real monsters. michael kvium“  ©lowereast.dk

“real monsters. michael kvium“ ©lowereast.dk

On Saturday Februar 2nd, the arts museum KUNSTEN in Aalborg, Denmark, will open the real monsters. michael kvium exhibition.

Lower East have designed the catalogue to the exhibition, showing 30 recent works by the artist.

“Central to the works is the depiction of human figures. In these pictures Michael Kvium (b.1955) grapples with religion, politics and everyday life. Nothing is sacred to this artist. He exposes each and every one of us with a firm hand, but with a touch of affection and a twinkle in his eye. In recent years, much more than previously, his figures have entered the realm of ‘reality’ such as we understand the term” (from the museums webpage).

Last week the catalogue was printed, we spend a couple of days at the printing house to follow the printing and to check that everything went the way we wanted it. And to enjoy the process – the photos here are from the printing.

We are very exited about it – and are looking forward to hold the catalogue, with more than 100 (very big) pages, in our hands.

More on the museum and the exhibition.

“real monsters. michael kvium“  ©lowereast.dk

“real monsters. michael kvium“ ©lowereast.dk

“real monsters. michael kvium“  ©lowereast.dk

“real monsters. michael kvium“ ©lowereast.dk

“real monsters. michael kvium“  ©lowereast.dk

“real monsters. michael kvium“ ©lowereast.dk

“real monsters. michael kvium“  ©lowereast.dk

“real monsters. michael kvium“ ©lowereast.dk

“real monsters. michael kvium“  ©lowereast.dk

“real monsters. michael kvium“ ©lowereast.dk

“real monsters. michael kvium“  ©lowereast.dk

“real monsters. michael kvium“ ©lowereast.dk

“real monster. michael kvium“. ©lowereast.dk

“real monster. michael kvium“. ©lowereast.dk

“real monsters. michael kvium“. ©lowereast.dk

“real monsters. michael kvium“. ©lowereast.dk

“real monsters. michael kvium“. ©lowereast.dk

“real monsters. michael kvium“. ©lowereast.dk

Edvard Munch Angst / Anxiety at ARoS Aarhus Art Museum

Lower East are very proud of having designed the graphic material for the huge Edvard Munch exhibition that is shown in ARoS Aarhus Art museum. We designed the big exhibition book and a great wall biography in the exhibition room as well as brochures.

The exhibition is amazing and absolutely wonderful – we highly recommend all of you to go and see it. It has been highly appreciated by the press all over the country and the book that contains all the works that is shown was from the start sold in about 200 copies every day.

So we are very happy and proud to be a part of this wonderful event.

Read more about the exhibition which is on show until the 17 February 2013 on ARoS website

catalogue pages © lowereast.dk

catalogue pages © lowereast.dk

catalogue pages © lowereast.dk

catalogue pages © lowereast.dk

The PH-lamp – the light design of Poul Henningsen

Lower East is in Kolding, Jutland. We had a great experience at the old castle Koldinghus, which is an art space showing art and design exhibitions. We saw the beautiful exhibition  “The PH-lamp – the light design of Poul Henningsen”. The design of the exhibition was a great combination of big photostats of rooms and interiors and real prototypes of the many variations of the PH-lamp. All these still modern looking lamps in an effective golden/dark light setting in the old castle ruin was amazing. Go there and have a light and design experience. The exhibition is on view until 26 August 2012.

Some info from the exhibition website:
Poul Henningsen (1894-1967) designed lamps which have become celebrated icons of Danish design. A large number of them have become classics and are today to be found in homes, offices and public buildings all over the world. For this exhibition the museum is inviting its visitors to a grand PH light festival in the soaring heights of the Ruin Hall in the South Wing of the castle. All the variants of the “Artichoke” will be floating there side by side with “Bombardment” chandeliers, spiral lamps and some of the more exotic pendant lights. The exhibition will take a close look at PH’s different lamp principles and give an introduction to his philosophy of lighting, which set new standards for light design. The exhibition shows all the well-known PH lamps – and a number of the less well-known ones – from the early beginnings in 1924 until the present day. Today the initials PH still represent, over the whole world, the highest quality in modern lighting design.

Visit Koldinghus website

© lowereast.dk

© lowereast.dk

© lowereast.dk

© lowereast.dk

© lowereast.dk

© lowereast.dk