Lower East

what’s new 2015-2016

Fresh from the printers. what’s new? newspaper from the Innovationsdorf Bern, KaosPilots Switzerland, changels & friends. Designed by Lower East.

24 pages, #3 – first issue in December 2014, second one February 2015, and now we have reached #3.

You can get the paper issue at the Innovationsdorf and at the KaosPilots Switzerland in Bern. And as soon as we get a stack of the newspapers to the Lower East Lab in Berlin, you can come by to grab your sample.

Until then – here we show some of the pages from the newspaper, and you can check out what’s new on this link.

what's new-NOV-2015.inddwhat's new-NOV-2015.inddwhat's new-NOV-2015.inddwhat's new-NOV-2015.inddwhat's new-NOV-2015.inddwhat's new-NOV-2015.inddwhat's new-NOV-2015.inddwhat's new-NOV-2015.inddwhat's new-NOV-2015.indd



New business #2 – 2016

New Business for entrepreneurs in progress. Would you like to start your own business in a sustainable and inspiring way? Do you want to make a difference in your own life? Do you want to see how ancient wisdom can help us create sustainable business structures and services?

Then New Business #2 could be your next move. First step is the info event Thursday December 1th – 7pm-8pm – Innovationsdorf Bern, Wylerringstrasse 36, Bern, Switzerland.

The next step and maybe a great choice could then be the changels-mastery training program of 9 x 3 days over a year.

Join the info event and get to know the program, how we work and who the main trainers Matti Straub-Fischer (head of changels and KaosPilots Switzerland) and Jørgen Smidstrup (communication designer and project maker in Lower East and Lower East Lab) are.

This training is done in collaboration with the KaosPilots Switzerland who serve as business coaches for the participants.

The intro-module of 3 days will take place in February 2016 – from 3rd to 5th of February in Bern at the Innovationsdorf Bern. And the full programme starts April 6th 2016.

More info at the new business blog




Impressions from New Business #1 2014-15  © lower east


2-New Business (20)-grey

Impressions from New Business #1 2014-15  © Jakob Kristoffersen



Impressions from New Business #1 2014-15  © Rahel Krabichler



Impressions from New Business #1 2014-15  © Rahel Krabichler



Impressions from New Business #1 2014-15  © Rahel Krabichler


7-New Business (26)-grey

Impressions from New Business #1 2014-15  © Jakob Kristoffersen




what’s new?

what’s new from innovationsdorf bern, from kaospilots switzerland, from changels, from new business and bits and pieces from urban safari berlin, quiet days and lower east. We did the design of this fine newspaper, 32 pages, filled with thoughts, questions, information, pictures…

You can check out and read the entire newspaper on this link to ISSUU.
And you can require your own personal printed newspaper, by contacting us.

See some of the pages from what’s new? here:

Page from the newspaper “what's new?“  ©lowereast

Page from the newspaper “what’s new?“ ©lowereast

Page from the newspaper “what's new?“  ©lowereast

Page from the newspaper “what’s new?“ ©lowereast

Page from the newspaper “what's new?“  ©lowereast

Page from the newspaper “what’s new?“ ©lowereast

Page from the newspaper “what's new?“  ©lowereast

Page from the newspaper “what’s new?“ ©lowereast

Page from the newspaper “what's new?“  ©lowereast

Page from the newspaper “what’s new?“ ©lowereast

Page from the newspaper “what's new?“  ©lowereast

Page from the newspaper “what’s new?“ ©lowereast

Page from the newspaper “what's new?“  ©lowereast

Page from the newspaper “what’s new?“ ©lowereast

Page from the newspaper “what's new?“  ©lowereast

Page from the newspaper “what’s new?“ ©lowereast

Urban Safari Berlin 2015

Do you want to explore inspiring spaces and meet interesting people?
Then Urban Safari Berlin is the thing!

Berlin is a vibrant metropole! The city is right now a melting pot of start-ups, young entrepreneurs, fresh ideas, inspiring atmospheres, cool exhibition venues, an innovative food scene and just amazing corners.

A perfect spot to explore, make you smile, think of (old and) new ideas, wonder about how funny & crazy some projects can be – and simply enjoy the love for new, small and bigger beautiful things.

Come join us on an intense 2day safari into this urban jungle! We have arranged a tour this spring, on 1 and 2 June 2015 – here we have put together a journey for you with special focus on inspiring new business, creative spaces and the co-working scene. (If the dates doesn’t fit you, special safaries can of course be arranged).

This Urban Safari is a co-creative initiative of ­changels (Switzerland) and Lower East (Berlin).
Want more info? Check this link to our website. Or send us an email. Or call…


Fresh flowers every day ©lowermost

Fresh flowers every day ©lowereast

Urban Safari Berlin ©lowereast

Urban Safari Berlin ©lowereast

Urban Safari Berlin ©lowereast

Urban Safari Berlin ©lowereast

Urban Safari Berlin ©lowereast

Urban Safari Berlin ©lowereast 

Contact: js@lowereast.dk, www.lowereast.dk

New Business as unusual

Lower East are strongly involved in NEW BUSINESS in Switzerland; a one year training for people who want to grow their project ideas into sustainable and inspiring businesses. We work with changels on the program, both as graphic designers and communicators – and as teachers/inspirators.

The full program starts up in September – a new intro module is coming up end of August. Dates 27-29 August.

Check it out if you are interested!

From the info-material: We at changels are strong in coaching entrepreneurs and their teams to sustainable and regenerative success. We have been running several leadership trainings and strategic development processes for companies and entrepreneurs in start-up and further development to reach new horizons. We have started the KaosPilots school for responsible entrepreneurs, creative leaders and change makers here in Switzerland, a three year full time education with an international focus.

For a while we have felt a strong desire to start up an intense one year program based on the best of the changels competencies and experiences and our learnings from the KaosPilot training.

We have been asked many times, whether we could offer a one year further training for entrepreneurs that is lighter than the 3 year KaosPilots training and focusing on people who already have a running business or are about to start up.

So here it is: the changels NEW BUSINESS, a mastery program for passionate entrepreneurs with existing and new projects and business dreams.

Link to changels website – where you also find a pdf on the subject.

Postcard New Business

Postcard New Business

Postcard New Business

Postcard New Business

Logo for New Business ©lowereast

Logo for New Business ©lowereast

Impressions from New Business intro workshop in June 2014

new business introduction module June 2014 ©lowereast

new business introduction module June 2014 ©lowereast

new business introduction module June 2014 ©lowereast

new business introduction module June 2014 ©lowereast

new business introduction module June 2014 ©lowereast

new business introduction module June 2014 ©lowereast

new business introduction module June 2014 ©lowereast

new business introduction module June 2014 ©lowereast

New Business
Logo for New Business ©lowereast

Logo for New Business ©lowereast

New visual identity – for New Business
Lower East just did another quick & d….. visual identity job. This time for a new master program, created by changels in Bern, Switzerland.

Maybe it could be a ‘thing’ for you? Info from the info papers:

NEW BUSINESS. A one year further training for people who want to grow their project ideas into sustainable and inspiring businesses.

We at changels are strong in coaching entrepreneurs and their teams to sustainable and regenerative success. We have been running several leadership trainings and strategic development processes for companies and entrepreneurs in start-up and further development to reach new horizons. We have started the KaosPilots school for responsible entrepreneurs, creative leaders and change makers here in Switzerland, a three year full time education with an international focus.

For a while we have felt a strong desire to start up an intense one year program based on the best of the changels competencies and experiences and our learnings from the KaosPilot training.

We have been asked many times, whether we could offer a one year further training for entrepreneurs that is lighter than the 3 year KaosPilots training and focusing on people who already have a running business or are about to start up.

So here it is: the changels NEW BUSINESS, a mastery program for passionate entrepreneurs with existing and new projects and business dreams.

More info at the changels webpage

Building new businesses ©lowereast

Building new businesses ©lowereast

newspaper: changels news
The newspaper  ©lowereast

The newspaper ©lowereast

We are happy to show and share the changels news!
An idea for a newspaper we at Lower East came up with some months ago together with the people from changels. In the very last days before Christmas we finished the design of the newspaper and it was immediately sent of to the printer in Switzerland. Now the 32-page newspaper is living it’s own life, spreading info and good news from the changels universe in Bern & Switzerland & the rest of the world.

changels is a coaching and consultant company from Bern, Switzerland (and a Lower East partner), and to explain the paper we bring a short extract from the welcome word:

“… it is time to share some good news with you and the rest of the world. We enjoy working with companies, teams and communities as well as with individuals from all areas of life. And we co-create our own inspirations, too: Launching the KaosPilots Switzerland here in Bern in October 2012, now already with 2 teams of international students learning to become creative leaders, responsible entrepreneurs and changemakers. Or initiating our Innovationsdorf here in Bern, an innovation village to bring cross-sectorial know how together to create new solutions. Creating a network of sustainable schools and communities. Designing Urban Safaris in Berlin, Bern and Cape Town. And offering trainings to really create New Business that feels right for us humans and uplifting for this entire planet Earth.“

Happy reading! Check out the pictures below – and/or read the full newspaper here:

changels news. Frontpage ©lowereast

changels news. Frontpage ©lowereast

Page from changels news ©lowereast

Page from changels news ©lowereast

Page from changels news  ©lowereast

Page from changels news ©lowereast

Page from changels news  ©lowereast

Page from changels news ©lowereast

Page from changels news  ©lowereast

Page from changels news ©lowereast

Page from changels news  ©lowereast

Page from changels news ©lowereast

Page from changels news  ©lowereast

Page from changels news ©lowereast

Urban Safari Berlin – September 2013

It’s time for Urban Safari Berlin! It’s time for treating yourself well. It’s time for focusing on your creativity!

Come join us on an intense 2day safari with special focus on inspiring business, creative spaces, the co-working scene and sparkling start-ups.

We have on September 12 and 13 put together a sparkling journey for you in the urban jungle. [If the dates doesn’t fit your calendar, the next Safari is planned to October 28 and 29].

The vibrant metropole Berlin, is a melting pot of start-ups, young entrepreneurs, fresh ideas, inspiring atmospheres, cool exhibition venues, cosy cafés & restaurants and just amazing corners. A perfect spot to explore, make you smile, think of (old and) new ideas, wonder about how funny & crazy some ideas can be – and simply enjoy the love for new, small and bigger beautiful things.

The Urban Safari is a co-creative initiative of changels (Bern) and Lower East (Berlin).

Urban Safari Berlin

Urban Safari Berlin  ©lowereast

Helle Marietta and Jørgen Smidstrup have based their design company, Lower East, in Berlin since the end of 2011 and have been exploring the “arm, aber sexy“ city ever since. Matti Straub-Fischer, from changels, have after several visits insisted on creating an opportunity for others to dig into this diverse mix of creativity, design and playfulness. Together they organize and host the Urban Safari Berlin – first ones held in November ‘12 and again in April and May ‘13.

This is the deal:

Matti, Helle and Jørgen will be your scouts, hosts and the facilitators for the Urban Safari.

Together with Camillos Paladar, we will all put up a playful and inspiring dinner on Thursday night. Camillos Paladar is a pop-up (mostly in Copenhagen, Berlin and Bern) dinner concept with gorgeous food and remarkable wines. That alone is worth the journey. By chance, Mr. Camillo is similar to Mr. Smidstrup.

Are you ready for this adventure with us?

Urban Safari Berlin  ©lowereast

Urban Safari Berlin ©lowereast

Here is the small-printed stuff:

If you like, you can of course invite a dear friend or your partner to enjoy the weekend after with you in this mind-boggling place.

Feel free to share this invitation to other potential safarists – and to contact us for any questions. changels www.changels.ch
Matti Straub-Fischer matti@changels.ch
Lower East www.lowereast.dk
Helle Marietta helle@lowereast.dk Jørgen Smidstrup js@lowereast.dk

Urban Safari Berlin  ©lowereast

Urban Safari Berlin ©lowereast

Urban Safari Berlin April 2013

Come join the Urban Safari in April!

Berlin is a wonderful and vibrant metropole, a melting pot of young entrepreneurs and fresh ­ideas, funky design and inspiring inviting atmospheres. A perfect spot to be diving into, make you smile, think of old and new ideas, wonder about how funny & crazy some ideas can be – and simply enjoy the love for new, small and bigger beautiful things.

We invite you on an intense 2day safari into this urban jungle with its many creative ­spaces, cool exhibition venues, cosy cafés & restaurants and sparkling start-ups. We have put together an ­inspiring  ­ journey for you to get a powerful bouquet of the colorful flower power of this city.

This Urban Safari is taking place April 4 & 5, 2013 – and it’s a co-creative initiative of changels (Bern) and Lower East (Berlin and Copenhagen).


Helle Marietta and Jørgen Smidstrup have moved their design company, ­Lower East, from Copenhagen to Berlin by the end of 2011 and have been ­exploring the “arm, aber sexy“ city ever since. Matti Straub-Fischer, from ­changels, have joined the two for visits on several occasions and insisted on ­creating an opportunity for others to this ­diverse mix of creativity, design and ­playfulness. Together they arranged the first succesful Urban Safari in sunny and joyful days in November.

Here is the deal for the April safari: 


After the Urban Safari, you will receive a rich visual ­documentation on our days in Berlin.
Matti, Helle and Jørgen will be your scouts, hosts and the facilitators for the Urban ­Safari.

Together with Camillos Paladar, we will all put up a fantastic dinner on ­Thursday night. ­Camillos Paladar is a pop-up (mostly in Copenhagen, Berlin and Bern) ­restaurant with ­gorgeous food and remarkable wines. That alone is worth the ­journey. By chance, Mr. Camillo is similar to Mr. Smidstrup.

Are you ready for this adventure with us?


Here is the small-printed stuff:

Empty your head. Bring comfortable clothes and shoes, your notebook, some kind of a camera, some coloured pens, an umbrella (just in case) and your toothbrush.


And if you want to peek, here are a few marbles…

And if you like, you can of course invite a dear friend or your partner to enjoy the rest of the weekend with you in this mind-boggling place.

Feel free to share this invitation to other potential safarists – and to contact us for any ­questions.

Matti Straub-Fischer (matti@changels.ch)

Lower East 
Helle Marietta (helle@lowereast.dk)
Jørgen Smidstrup (js@lowereast.dk)


the lowereast webpage

Urban Safari Berlin

In the beautiful November days 22 and 23 Lower East – in cooperation with changels – were the hosts of the first Urban Safari Berlin.

We had a wonderful and intense 2day safari on bikes in the urban Berlin jungle – among many other places we visited co-working spaces as Wostel, The Wye betahaus, and had a guided tour at the beautiful & charming Hüttenpalast (some of our guests stayed there in the caravans). A warm welcome at Gestalten – space, shop and publishing house. We checked out the inspiring Dennis Hopper – The Lost Album exhibition at Martin Gropius Bau and The Supalife Forever Show at Neurotitan.

There was time to watch films on topics as The Developing World and Creativity – and of course time to discuss, talk and share interesting stuff (mostly) within the areas of start up business, creativity, good ideas and inspiration.

Yes, you got it right! We didn’t forget to eat & drink. We visited good and cosy places such as Hüttenpalast, Markthalle Neun, N.O.R (Not Only Riesling) – and the group together created the most wonderful three course dinner under guidance of Camillo’s Paladar.

On the entire journey we were intensively followed by a group of penguins.

The Urban Safari Berlin #2 is planned to take place in April 2013.

Some links:
Markthalle Neun.

And some pics from the Urban Safari:

Urban Safari Berlin ©lowereast.dk

Urban Safari Berlin ©lowereast.dk

Urban Safari Berlin ©lowereast.dk

Urban Safari Berlin ©Martina Straub

Urban Safari Berlin ©lowereast.dk

Urban Safari Berlin © Reto Hug

Urban Safari Berlin © Cedric Zaugg

Urban Safari Berlin © Matti Straub

Urban Safari Berlin

In the soon coming November days 22 and 23 Lower East are the hosts of a Urban Safari in Berlin.

We have two to three seats left, so if you are a quick mover, join us for this adventure. Maybe you can even get a reduced price 😉

Lower East – in co-opreation with changels – invite you on an intense 2day safari into this urban jungle with its many creative ­spaces, cool exhibition venues, cosy cafés & restaurants, sparkling start-ups, simply ­beautiful ­magazine- and bookshops and just amazing corners. We have put together an inspiring ­journey for you to get a powerful bouquet of the colorful start-up flower power of this city.

Lower East have moved their design company Copenhagen to Berlin one year ago and have been ­exploring the “arm, aber sexy“ city ever since. Matti Straub-Fischer, from ­changels, joined the two for a visit and insisted on creating an opportunity for others to this ­diverse mix of creativity, design and ­playfulness. So here we go:

Are you ready for this adventure with us?

Here is the small-printed stuff:

And if you like, you can of course invite a dear friend or your partner to enjoy the rest of the weekend with you in this mind-boggling place.

Feel free to contact us for more info, or if you have any questions.

Helle Marietta  & Jørgen Smidstrup, lowereast.dk

Urban Safari Berlin

Berlin is a vibrant metropole, a melting pot of young entrepreneurs and fresh ­ideas, funky design and inspiring inviting atmospheres. A perfect spot to be diving into, make you smile, think of old and new ideas, wonder about how f*** crazy some ideas can be and simply enjoy the love for new, small and bigger beautiful things.

Lower East – in co-opreation with changels – invite you on an intense 2day safari into this urban jungle with its many creative ­spaces, cool exhibition venues, cosy cafés & restaurants, sparkling start-ups, simply ­beautiful ­magazine- and bookshops and just amazing corners. We have put together an inspiring ­journey for you to get a powerful bouquet of the colorful start-up flower power of this city.

Helle Marietta and Jørgen Smidstrup have moved their design company, ­Lower East, from Copenhagen to Berlin by the end of last year and have been ­exploring the “arm, aber sexy“ city ever since. This June, Matti Straub-Fischer, from ­changels, joined the two for a visit and insisted on creating an opportunity for others to this ­diverse mix of creativity, design and ­playfulness. So here we go:

Together with Camillos Paladar, we will all put up a fantastic dinner on ­Thursday night. ­Camillos Paladar is a pop-up (mostly in Copenhagen, Berlin and Bern) ­restaurant with ­gorgeous food and remarkable wines. That alone is worth the ­journey.

Are you ready for this adventure with us?

Here is the small-printed stuff:

And if you like, you can of course invite a dear friend or your partner to enjoy the rest of the weekend with you in this mind-boggling place.

Feel free to contact us for any questions.

Matti Straub-Fischer, changels.ch

Helle Marietta  & Jørgen Smidstrup, lowereast.dk