The New Business #2 is well up’n runnin’! New Business, where Jørgen Smidstrup from Lower East together with Matti Straub-Fischer from changels and KaosPilots Switzerland are the trainors, is a mastery program for entrepreneurs with ideas and dreams of new businesses.
At the second module in May we were working very concentrated (just see the photos) on appreciating the ’here & now’. On how to deal with worries and doubts? How to see the bigger picture and focus at the same time? We started the journey of ’how to communicate unfinished business’, and made the first steps in designing your own communication plan.
After 3 days of good work, we send home our people to digest and recharge for next module, which will take place June 15-17th. Here we will work on ’power & danger’, on what new territories to explore? On where you see opportunities and how can you make use of them? And we will look into what is needed to move past your inner and outer obstacles? We are looking very much forward to continue the work.
You can find more info on the mastery training here.