Lower East

Nordic Business Event

A lot of people in Lower East Lab!

Thursday evening March 27. the lab hosted Nordic Business Event 2014 gathering Nordic and Berlin business people and entrepreneurs with nordic background or nordic relations. Topic for the night was: Starting up in Berlin.

The successful event, arranged by German Expansion, attracted more than 60 people and they seemed to have a very good time, sharing, talking and mingling – and enlightened and inspired by the very lively keynote speakers Alexander Möller from Berlin Partner and Vidar Andersen, Norwegian startup entrepreneur from Cologne.

We are so happy that our wonderful lab is used for interesting, cool and fun arrangements and events! You are of course welcome to contact us, if you have some ideas, events, meetings or workshops you could see placed in Lower East Lab.

More info:
berlinpartner.devidarandersen.de, german-expansion.comlowereast.de

Nordic Business Event at Lower East Lab ©lowereast

Nordic Business Event at Lower East Lab ©lowereast

Nordic Business Event at Lower East Lab ©lowereast

Nordic Business Event at Lower East Lab ©lowereast

Nordic Business Event at Lower East Lab ©lowereast

Nordic Business Event at Lower East Lab ©lowereast

Nordic Business Event at Lower East Lab ©lowereast

Nordic Business Event at Lower East Lab ©lowereast

Nordic Business Event at Lower East Lab ©lowereast

Nordic Business Event at Lower East Lab ©lowereast

Nordic Business Event at Lower East Lab ©lowereast

Nordic Business Event at Lower East Lab ©lowereast

Nordic Business Event at Lower East Lab ©lowereast

Nordic Business Event at Lower East Lab ©lowereast

Nordic Business Event at Lower East Lab ©lowereast

Nordic Business Event at Lower East Lab ©lowereast

Nordic Business Event at Lower East Lab ©lowereast

Nordic Business Event at Lower East Lab ©lowereast

Nordic Business Event at Lower East Lab ©lowereast

Nordic Business Event at Lower East Lab ©lowereast